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Archive: 2023

David Frum on status USA and the 2024 election

He has been active in Republican politics since the first Reagan campaign of 1980, served as speechwriter and special assistant to President George W. Bush and is the brain behind the famous phrase «axis of evil». His memoir of his service in the George W. Bush administration, “The Right Man”, was a New York Times bestseller, as was his 2018 book, ”Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic”. His most recent release is “Trumpocalypse: Restoring American Democracy”.

Staff writer in The Atlantic, David Frum has been close to the most powerful and has followed the inside of Washington for decades. We are extremely excited that he is joining the Nordic Media Days to discuss the Republican party – from George W. Bush to Donald Trump. What responsibility does Republicans, like himself, have for the phenomena Donald Trump?  What impact will the ongoing culture war have for the 2024 election campaign? Does Trump have a chance to win again, who will he run against in the party and from the Democrats? And what about the medias role to regain the trust in divisive polarized nation?

There is a lot to talk about when David Frum meets Hilde Restad, Associated Professor and author of the book « The American Paradox» to discuss the path heading for the 2024-election.

Time and place:

  • Thursday, 3:00pm–3:40pm
  • Peer Gynt



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